Wim De Pelsmaeker
VAT Partner
Certified tax advisor

Wim is responsible for the VAT department within Baker Tilly. Together with his team, he advises national and international companies within the various fields of VAT. He is also a seasoned speaker at seminars.

Wim De Pelsmaeker 2024 - groene cirkel

For many entrepreneurs, VAT too often forms a blind spot. It is seen as a tax labyrinth of ever-changing rules, but also as a penalty-sensitive minefield without safety net. 
Together with my team, I advise and guide national and international companies through this complex matter. We guide them clearly through the maze of VAT obligations and point out possible opportunities. In this way we can limit financial risks, but also create opportunities. 

Also for foreign players, our team takes care of their Belgian VAT compliance from A to Z. In addition, I take care of the international contacts within our worldwide indirect tax network.
I also like to share my knowledge by often speaking at seminars and by publishing fiscal articles.

In my spare time, I enjoy a good book, a (recreational) ride on my mountain bike and a nice evening at home (or at a restaurant) with family.

Previous projects:

  • Advising on VAT rates in construction
  • Successful VAT regularizations avoiding significant fines
  • Assistance with VAT audits with the aim of largely eliminating the claim imposed
  • Implementation of VAT optimization with real estate demerger combined with the establishment of a VAT unit 
  • VAT optimization with real estate leasing
  • In-house seminars tailored to the needs of clients