As a Belgian company or association, you are legally obliged within certain frameworks to appoint an auditor for a mandate of 3 years.
But even without this legal obligation, such an audit can provide more insight into the financial information of your company. Among other things, this allows you to provide the necessary transparency to various stakeholders.
You can also contact our team for specific audit assignments for works councils and reporting.
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Value-added reporting
- Besides a reliable report, we want to create added value for your business. Within the rules of independence, we therefore look at how we can further support you. After the report, we discuss and advise you on any risks.
- For complex questions, we call on a team of tax, legal and financial experts.
Our services:
- Mandates as a commissioner in companies and associations
- Audit of consolidated annual accounts
- Audit of financial reports
- Specific audit reports for public authorities and public administrations
- Specific audit assignments for works councils and reports